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Snackbars (also known as toasts) are used for brief notifications of processes that have been or will be performed.


The Snackbar component appears temporarily and floats above the UI to provide users with (non-critical) updates on an app's processes. The demo below, inspired by Google Keep, shows a basic Snackbar with a text element and two actions:


Snackbars differ from Alerts in that Snackbars have a fixed position and a high z-index, so they're intended to break out of the document flow; Alerts, on the other hand, are usually part of the flow—except when they're used as children of a Snackbar.
Snackbars also from differ from Dialogs in that Snackbars are not intended to convey critical information or block the user from interacting with the rest of the app; Dialogs, by contrast, require input from the user in order to be dismissed.



import Snackbar from '@mui/material/Snackbar';


Use the anchorOrigin prop to control the Snackbar's position on the screen.


import SnackbarContent from '@mui/material/SnackbarContent';
Use the Snackbar Content component to add text and actions to the Snackbar.

Automatic dismiss

Use the autoHideDuration prop to automatically trigger the Snackbar's onClose function after a set period of time (in milliseconds).
Make sure to provide sufficient time for the user to process the information displayed on it.


You can use the TransitionComponent prop to change the transition of the Snackbar from Grow (the default) to others such as Slide.


Use with Alerts

Use an Alert inside a Snackbar for messages that communicate a certain severity.

Use with Floating Action Buttons

If you're using a Floating Action Button on mobile, Material Design recommends positioning snackbars directly above it, as shown in the demo below:

Common examples

Consecutive Snackbars

This demo shows how to display multiple Snackbars without stacking them by using a consecutive animation.

Third-party integrations


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With an imperative API, notistack lets you vertically stack multiple Snackbars without having to handle their open and close states. Even though this is discouraged in the Material Design guidelines, it is still a common pattern.
:::warning Note that notistack prevents Snackbars from being closed by pressing Escape. :::


The user should be able to dismiss Snackbars by pressing Escape. If there are multiple instances appearing at the same time and you want Escape to dismiss only the oldest one that's currently open, call event.preventDefault in the onClose prop.
export default function MyComponent() {
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(true);

  return (
        onClose={(event, reason) => {
          // `reason === 'escapeKeyDown'` if `Escape` was pressed
          // call `event.preventDefault` to only close one Snackbar at a time.
      <Snackbar open={open} onClose={() => setOpen(false)} />


The Snackbar component is composed of a root <div> that houses interior elements like the Snackbar Content and other optional components (such as buttons or decorators).
<div role="presentation" className="MuiSnackbar-root">
  <div className="MuiPaper-root MuiSnackbarContent-root" role="alert">
    <div className="MuiSnackbarContent-message">
      <!-- Snackbar content goes here -->