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RTL Support

Fuse React supports Right-to-left languages such as Arabic, Persian or Hebrew, etc.


We used TailwindCss's rtl and ltr modifiers and the styles components plugin stylis-plugin-rtl to support RTL feature of the Fuse React.

stylis-plugin-rtl enables right-to-left support by flipping every rule of the jss styles on the x-axis. You can write the application left-to-right and then turn it into right-to-left using this plugin. Or you can start right-to-left and turn it into left-to-right.

TailwindCss's rtl and ltr modifiers are a custom direction variant to your tailwind project, letting you have custom CSS rules for LTR and RTL layouts. For example:

<div class="text-green text-2xl ltr:pl-4 rtl:pr-4">
    Hello, world.

The theme's language direction depends on the theme language. So There is no need to define direction value. Checkout Multi Language configuration