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The Divider component provides a thin, unobtrusive line for grouping elements to reinforce visual hierarchy.


The Material UI Divider component renders as a dark gray <hr> by default, and features several useful props for quick style adjustments.

Pinstriped cornflower blue cotton blouse takes you on a walk to the park or just down the hall.

Select type



import Divider from '@mui/material/Divider';


The Divider component supports three variants: fullWidth (default), inset, and middle.
  • Full width variant below
  • Inset variant below
  • Middle variant below
  • List item


Use the orientation prop to change the Divider from horizontal to vertical. When using vertical orientation, the Divider renders a <div> with the corresponding accessibility attributes instead of <hr> to adhere to the WAI-ARIA spec.

Flex item

Use the flexItem prop to display the Divider when it's being used in a flex container.

With children

Use the textAlign prop to align elements that are wrapped by the Divider.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Use with a List

When using the Divider to separate items in a List, use the component prop to render it as an <li>—otherwise it won't be a valid HTML element.
  • Inbox
  • Drafts
  • Trash
  • Spam

Icon grouping

The demo below shows how to combine the props variant="middle" and orientation="vertical".


Due to its implicit role of separator, the Divider, which is a <hr> element, will be announced by screen readers as a "Horziontal Splitter" (or vertical, if you're using the orientation prop).
If you're using it as a purely stylistic element, we recommend setting aria-hidden="true" which will make screen readers bypass it.
<Divider aria-hidden="true" />
If you're using the Divider to wrap other elements, such as text or chips, we recommend changing its rendered element to a plain <div> using the component prop, and setting role="presentation". This ensures that it's not announced by screen readers while still preserving the semantics of the elements inside it.
<Divider component="div" role="presentation">
  <Typography>Text element</Typography>


The Divider component is composed of a root <hr>.
<hr className="MuiDivider-root">
  <!-- Divider children goes here -->