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Theme Schemes

The Fuse React uses material-ui's theming by default. You can create theme color schemes with defining theme configuration objects.


For the configuration options checkout Material UI's theme configuration options.

Theme configurations are located at src/configs/themesConfig.ts file.

* The themesConfig object is a configuration object for the color themes of the Fuse application.
export const themesConfig: FuseThemesType = {
	default: {
		palette: {
			mode: 'light',
			divider: '#D6D6D6',
		text: {
			primary: '#212121',
			secondary: '#5F6368'
		common: {
			black: '#000000',
			white: '#FFFFFF'
		primary: {
			light: '#536D89',
			main: '#0A74DA',
			dark: '#00418A',
			contrastText: '#FFFFFF'
		secondary: {
			light: '#6BC9F7',
			main: '#00A4EF',
			dark: '#0078D7',
			contrastText: '#FFFFFF'
		background: {
			paper: '#F4F4F4',
			default: '#E8E8E8'
		error: {
			light: '#FFCDD2',
			main: '#D32F2F',
			dark: '#B71C1C',
			contrastText: '#FFFFFF'