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Authentication in Fuse React with Next.js App Router

Fuse React uses Auth.js (formerly NextAuth.js) for authentication management, integrated with Next.js 13's App Router. Auth.js is a complete open-source authentication solution that works seamlessly with Next.js applications.

Key Features of Auth.js with App Router
  • Seamless integration with Next.js 13 App Router
  • Support for OAuth providers and custom credentials
  • Server-side session management
  • Built-in CSRF protection
  • TypeScript support

You can findout the auth.js config file at @auth/authjs.ts.

You can add your own providers like facebook, github, twitter, etc. Checkout the authjs documentation to know more about it.

This is an example configuration for adding google login provider:

// app/api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.ts
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import GoogleProvider from "next-auth/providers/google"

const handler = NextAuth({
  providers: [
      clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_SECRET,
    // Add other providers here
  // Add custom configuration options here

export { handler as GET, handler as POST }
Custom Session Handling

In Fuse React, we've extended the default Auth.js session handling to include additional user data. When a user logs in, we fetch additional user information from an API and add it to the session. This allows us to store and access more detailed user information throughout the application.

Here's how it's implemented in the authJs.ts file:

// src/@auth/authJs.ts
// ... other imports and configurations ...

const config = {
  // ... other config options ...
  callbacks: {
    async session({ session, token }) {
      if (token.accessToken && typeof token.accessToken === 'string') {
        session.accessToken = token.accessToken;

      if (session && token.sub && typeof token.sub === 'string') {
        const userId = token.sub;
        const userDbData = await fetchUserData(userId, session);
        session.db = userDbData || null;

      return session;
  // ... other config options ...

async function fetchUserData(userId: string, session: Session): Promise<User | null> {
  // Fetch user data from API or create a new user if not found
  // ... implementation details ...

// Extend the Session type to include our custom properties
declare module 'next-auth' {
  interface Session {
    accessToken?: string;
    db: User;

This custom session handling allows us to store additional user information, such as roles, settings, or any other custom fields, making it easily accessible throughout the application.

useUser Hook

Fuse React provides a custom useUser hook that simplifies access to user data and provides utility functions for user management. This hook is built on top of Auth.js's useSession hook and provides additional functionality.

Here's an overview of the useUser hook:

// src/@auth/useUser.tsx
import { useSession, signOut } from 'next-auth/react';
// ... other imports ...

function useUser(): useUser {
  const { data, update } = useSession();

  const user = useMemo(() => data?.db, [data]);
  const isGuest = useMemo(() => !user?.role || user?.role?.length === 0, [user]);

  async function handleUpdateUser(updates: Partial<User>) {
    // Update user data

  async function handleUpdateUserSettings(newSettings: User['settings']) {
    // Update user settings

  // ... other utility functions ...

  return {
    data: user,
    signOut: handleSignOut,
    updateUser: handleUpdateUser,
    updateUserSettings: handleUpdateUserSettings
  } as useUser;

export default useUser;

The useUser hook provides the following:

  • Access to the current user's data
  • A flag indicating if the current user is a guest
  • Functions to update user data and settings
  • A wrapper for the signOut function

You can use this hook in your components to easily access and manage user data:

import useUser from '@auth/useUser';

function UserProfile() {
  const { data: user, updateUser, isGuest } = useUser();

  if (isGuest) {
    return <p>Please sign in to view your profile.</p>;

  return (
      <h1>Welcome, {user.displayName}</h1>
      {/* Add more user profile information and management here */}

By leveraging the custom session handling and the useUser hook, Fuse React provides a powerful and flexible way to manage user authentication and data throughout your application.

Further Resources

For more detailed information and advanced usage, refer to the following resources:

  • Auth.js Official Documentation

By leveraging Auth.js with Next.js App Router, Fuse React provides a robust, flexible, and secure authentication system that integrates seamlessly with server components and can be easily customized to meet your project's specific requirements.