The autocomplete is a normal text input enhanced by a panel of suggested options.
The widget is useful for setting the value of a single-line textbox in one of two types of scenarios:
- The value for the textbox must be chosen from a predefined set of allowed values, for example a location field must contain a valid location name: combo box.
- The textbox may contain any arbitrary value, but it is advantageous to suggest possible values to the user, for example a search field may suggest similar or previous searches to save the user time: free solo.
It's meant to be an improved version of the "react-select" and "downshift" packages.
Combo box
The value must be chosen from a predefined set of allowed values.
Options structure
By default, the component accepts the following options structures:
interface AutocompleteOption { label: string; } // or type AutocompleteOption = string;
for instance:
const options = [ { label: 'The Godfather', id: 1 }, { label: 'Pulp Fiction', id: 2 }, ]; // or const options = ['The Godfather', 'Pulp Fiction'];
However, you can use different structures by providing a
prop.If your options are objects, you must provide the
prop to ensure correct selection and highlighting. By default, it uses strict equality to compare options with the current value.Playground
Each of the following examples demonstrates one feature of the Autocomplete component.
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import Stack from '@mui/material/Stack'; export default function Playground() { const defaultProps = { options: top100Films, getOptionLabel: (option: FilmOptionType) => option.title, }; const flatProps = { options: => option.title), }; const [value, setValue] = React.useState<FilmOptionType | null>(null); return ( <Stack spacing={1} sx={{ width: 300 }}> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="disable-close-on-select" disableCloseOnSelect renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="disableCloseOnSelect" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="clear-on-escape" clearOnEscape renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="clearOnEscape" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="disable-clearable" disableClearable renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="disableClearable" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="include-input-in-list" includeInputInList renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="includeInputInList" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...flatProps} id="flat-demo" renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="flat" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="controlled-demo" value={value} onChange={(event: any, newValue: FilmOptionType | null) => { setValue(newValue); }} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="controlled" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="auto-complete" autoComplete includeInputInList renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="autoComplete" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="disable-list-wrap" disableListWrap renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="disableListWrap" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="open-on-focus" openOnFocus renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="openOnFocus" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="auto-highlight" autoHighlight renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="autoHighlight" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="auto-select" autoSelect renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="autoSelect" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="disabled" disabled renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="disabled" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="disable-portal" disablePortal renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="disablePortal" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="blur-on-select" blurOnSelect renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="blurOnSelect" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="clear-on-blur" clearOnBlur renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="clearOnBlur" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...defaultProps} id="select-on-focus" selectOnFocus renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="selectOnFocus" variant="standard" /> )} /> <Autocomplete {...flatProps} id="readOnly" readOnly defaultValue={flatProps.options[13]} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="readOnly" variant="standard" /> )} /> </Stack> ); } interface FilmOptionType { title: string; year: number; } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Country select
Choose one of the 248 countries.
import * as React from 'react'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; export default function CountrySelect() { return ( <Autocomplete id="country-select-demo" sx={{ width: 300 }} options={countries} autoHighlight getOptionLabel={(option) => option.label} renderOption={(props, option) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; return ( <Box key={key} component="li" sx={{ '& > img': { mr: 2, flexShrink: 0 } }} {...optionProps} > <img loading="lazy" width="20" srcSet={`${option.code.toLowerCase()}.png 2x`} src={`${option.code.toLowerCase()}.png`} alt="" /> {option.label} ({option.code}) +{} </Box> ); }} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Choose a country" slotProps={{ htmlInput: { ...params.inputProps, autoComplete: 'new-password', // disable autocomplete and autofill }, }} /> )} /> ); } interface CountryType { code: string; label: string; phone: string; suggested?: boolean; } // From const countries: readonly CountryType[] = [ { code: 'AD', label: 'Andorra', phone: '376' }, { code: 'AE', label: 'United Arab Emirates', phone: '971', }, { code: 'AF', label: 'Afghanistan', phone: '93' }, { code: 'AG', label: 'Antigua and Barbuda', phone: '1-268', }, { code: 'AI', label: 'Anguilla', phone: '1-264' }, { code: 'AL', label: 'Albania', phone: '355' }, { code: 'AM', label: 'Armenia', phone: '374' }, { code: 'AO', label: 'Angola', phone: '244' }, { code: 'AQ', label: 'Antarctica', phone: '672' }, { code: 'AR', label: 'Argentina', phone: '54' }, { code: 'AS', label: 'American Samoa', phone: '1-684' }, { code: 'AT', label: 'Austria', phone: '43' }, { code: 'AU', label: 'Australia', phone: '61', suggested: true, }, { code: 'AW', label: 'Aruba', phone: '297' }, { code: 'AX', label: 'Alland Islands', phone: '358' }, { code: 'AZ', label: 'Azerbaijan', phone: '994' }, { code: 'BA', label: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', phone: '387', }, { code: 'BB', label: 'Barbados', phone: '1-246' }, { code: 'BD', label: 'Bangladesh', phone: '880' }, { code: 'BE', label: 'Belgium', phone: '32' }, { code: 'BF', label: 'Burkina Faso', phone: '226' }, { code: 'BG', label: 'Bulgaria', phone: '359' }, { code: 'BH', label: 'Bahrain', phone: '973' }, { code: 'BI', label: 'Burundi', phone: '257' }, { code: 'BJ', label: 'Benin', phone: '229' }, { code: 'BL', label: 'Saint Barthelemy', phone: '590' }, { code: 'BM', label: 'Bermuda', phone: '1-441' }, { code: 'BN', label: 'Brunei Darussalam', phone: '673' }, { code: 'BO', label: 'Bolivia', phone: '591' }, { code: 'BR', label: 'Brazil', phone: '55' }, { code: 'BS', label: 'Bahamas', phone: '1-242' }, { code: 'BT', label: 'Bhutan', phone: '975' }, { code: 'BV', label: 'Bouvet Island', phone: '47' }, { code: 'BW', label: 'Botswana', phone: '267' }, { code: 'BY', label: 'Belarus', phone: '375' }, { code: 'BZ', label: 'Belize', phone: '501' }, { code: 'CA', label: 'Canada', phone: '1', suggested: true, }, { code: 'CC', label: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', phone: '61', }, { code: 'CD', label: 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the', phone: '243', }, { code: 'CF', label: 'Central African Republic', phone: '236', }, { code: 'CG', label: 'Congo, Republic of the', phone: '242', }, { code: 'CH', label: 'Switzerland', phone: '41' }, { code: 'CI', label: "Cote d'Ivoire", phone: '225' }, { code: 'CK', label: 'Cook Islands', phone: '682' }, { code: 'CL', label: 'Chile', phone: '56' }, { code: 'CM', label: 'Cameroon', phone: '237' }, { code: 'CN', label: 'China', phone: '86' }, { code: 'CO', label: 'Colombia', phone: '57' }, { code: 'CR', label: 'Costa Rica', phone: '506' }, { code: 'CU', label: 'Cuba', phone: '53' }, { code: 'CV', label: 'Cape Verde', phone: '238' }, { code: 'CW', label: 'Curacao', phone: '599' }, { code: 'CX', label: 'Christmas Island', phone: '61' }, { code: 'CY', label: 'Cyprus', phone: '357' }, { code: 'CZ', label: 'Czech Republic', phone: '420' }, { code: 'DE', label: 'Germany', phone: '49', suggested: true, }, { code: 'DJ', label: 'Djibouti', phone: '253' }, { code: 'DK', label: 'Denmark', phone: '45' }, { code: 'DM', label: 'Dominica', phone: '1-767' }, { code: 'DO', label: 'Dominican Republic', phone: '1-809', }, { code: 'DZ', label: 'Algeria', phone: '213' }, { code: 'EC', label: 'Ecuador', phone: '593' }, { code: 'EE', label: 'Estonia', phone: '372' }, { code: 'EG', label: 'Egypt', phone: '20' }, { code: 'EH', label: 'Western Sahara', phone: '212' }, { code: 'ER', label: 'Eritrea', phone: '291' }, { code: 'ES', label: 'Spain', phone: '34' }, { code: 'ET', label: 'Ethiopia', phone: '251' }, { code: 'FI', label: 'Finland', phone: '358' }, { code: 'FJ', label: 'Fiji', phone: '679' }, { code: 'FK', label: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', phone: '500', }, { code: 'FM', label: 'Micronesia, Federated States of', phone: '691', }, { code: 'FO', label: 'Faroe Islands', phone: '298' }, { code: 'FR', label: 'France', phone: '33', suggested: true, }, { code: 'GA', label: 'Gabon', phone: '241' }, { code: 'GB', label: 'United Kingdom', phone: '44' }, { code: 'GD', label: 'Grenada', phone: '1-473' }, { code: 'GE', label: 'Georgia', phone: '995' }, { code: 'GF', label: 'French Guiana', phone: '594' }, { code: 'GG', label: 'Guernsey', phone: '44' }, { code: 'GH', label: 'Ghana', phone: '233' }, { code: 'GI', label: 'Gibraltar', phone: '350' }, { code: 'GL', label: 'Greenland', phone: '299' }, { code: 'GM', label: 'Gambia', phone: '220' }, { code: 'GN', label: 'Guinea', phone: '224' }, { code: 'GP', label: 'Guadeloupe', phone: '590' }, { code: 'GQ', label: 'Equatorial Guinea', phone: '240' }, { code: 'GR', label: 'Greece', phone: '30' }, { code: 'GS', label: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', phone: '500', }, { code: 'GT', label: 'Guatemala', phone: '502' }, { code: 'GU', label: 'Guam', phone: '1-671' }, { code: 'GW', label: 'Guinea-Bissau', phone: '245' }, { code: 'GY', label: 'Guyana', phone: '592' }, { code: 'HK', label: 'Hong Kong', phone: '852' }, { code: 'HM', label: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', phone: '672', }, { code: 'HN', label: 'Honduras', phone: '504' }, { code: 'HR', label: 'Croatia', phone: '385' }, { code: 'HT', label: 'Haiti', phone: '509' }, { code: 'HU', label: 'Hungary', phone: '36' }, { code: 'ID', label: 'Indonesia', phone: '62' }, { code: 'IE', label: 'Ireland', phone: '353' }, { code: 'IL', label: 'Israel', phone: '972' }, { code: 'IM', label: 'Isle of Man', phone: '44' }, { code: 'IN', label: 'India', phone: '91' }, { code: 'IO', label: 'British Indian Ocean Territory', phone: '246', }, { code: 'IQ', label: 'Iraq', phone: '964' }, { code: 'IR', label: 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', phone: '98', }, { code: 'IS', label: 'Iceland', phone: '354' }, { code: 'IT', label: 'Italy', phone: '39' }, { code: 'JE', label: 'Jersey', phone: '44' }, { code: 'JM', label: 'Jamaica', phone: '1-876' }, { code: 'JO', label: 'Jordan', phone: '962' }, { code: 'JP', label: 'Japan', phone: '81', suggested: true, }, { code: 'KE', label: 'Kenya', phone: '254' }, { code: 'KG', label: 'Kyrgyzstan', phone: '996' }, { code: 'KH', label: 'Cambodia', phone: '855' }, { code: 'KI', label: 'Kiribati', phone: '686' }, { code: 'KM', label: 'Comoros', phone: '269' }, { code: 'KN', label: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', phone: '1-869', }, { code: 'KP', label: "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", phone: '850', }, { code: 'KR', label: 'Korea, Republic of', phone: '82' }, { code: 'KW', label: 'Kuwait', phone: '965' }, { code: 'KY', label: 'Cayman Islands', phone: '1-345' }, { code: 'KZ', label: 'Kazakhstan', phone: '7' }, { code: 'LA', label: "Lao People's Democratic Republic", phone: '856', }, { code: 'LB', label: 'Lebanon', phone: '961' }, { code: 'LC', label: 'Saint Lucia', phone: '1-758' }, { code: 'LI', label: 'Liechtenstein', phone: '423' }, { code: 'LK', label: 'Sri Lanka', phone: '94' }, { code: 'LR', label: 'Liberia', phone: '231' }, { code: 'LS', label: 'Lesotho', phone: '266' }, { code: 'LT', label: 'Lithuania', phone: '370' }, { code: 'LU', label: 'Luxembourg', phone: '352' }, { code: 'LV', label: 'Latvia', phone: '371' }, { code: 'LY', label: 'Libya', phone: '218' }, { code: 'MA', label: 'Morocco', phone: '212' }, { code: 'MC', label: 'Monaco', phone: '377' }, { code: 'MD', label: 'Moldova, Republic of', phone: '373', }, { code: 'ME', label: 'Montenegro', phone: '382' }, { code: 'MF', label: 'Saint Martin (French part)', phone: '590', }, { code: 'MG', label: 'Madagascar', phone: '261' }, { code: 'MH', label: 'Marshall Islands', phone: '692' }, { code: 'MK', label: 'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of', phone: '389', }, { code: 'ML', label: 'Mali', phone: '223' }, { code: 'MM', label: 'Myanmar', phone: '95' }, { code: 'MN', label: 'Mongolia', phone: '976' }, { code: 'MO', label: 'Macao', phone: '853' }, { code: 'MP', label: 'Northern Mariana Islands', phone: '1-670', }, { code: 'MQ', label: 'Martinique', phone: '596' }, { code: 'MR', label: 'Mauritania', phone: '222' }, { code: 'MS', label: 'Montserrat', phone: '1-664' }, { code: 'MT', label: 'Malta', phone: '356' }, { code: 'MU', label: 'Mauritius', phone: '230' }, { code: 'MV', label: 'Maldives', phone: '960' }, { code: 'MW', label: 'Malawi', phone: '265' }, { code: 'MX', label: 'Mexico', phone: '52' }, { code: 'MY', label: 'Malaysia', phone: '60' }, { code: 'MZ', label: 'Mozambique', phone: '258' }, { code: 'NA', label: 'Namibia', phone: '264' }, { code: 'NC', label: 'New Caledonia', phone: '687' }, { code: 'NE', label: 'Niger', phone: '227' }, { code: 'NF', label: 'Norfolk Island', phone: '672' }, { code: 'NG', label: 'Nigeria', phone: '234' }, { code: 'NI', label: 'Nicaragua', phone: '505' }, { code: 'NL', label: 'Netherlands', phone: '31' }, { code: 'NO', label: 'Norway', phone: '47' }, { code: 'NP', label: 'Nepal', phone: '977' }, { code: 'NR', label: 'Nauru', phone: '674' }, { code: 'NU', label: 'Niue', phone: '683' }, { code: 'NZ', label: 'New Zealand', phone: '64' }, { code: 'OM', label: 'Oman', phone: '968' }, { code: 'PA', label: 'Panama', phone: '507' }, { code: 'PE', label: 'Peru', phone: '51' }, { code: 'PF', label: 'French Polynesia', phone: '689' }, { code: 'PG', label: 'Papua New Guinea', phone: '675' }, { code: 'PH', label: 'Philippines', phone: '63' }, { code: 'PK', label: 'Pakistan', phone: '92' }, { code: 'PL', label: 'Poland', phone: '48' }, { code: 'PM', label: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', phone: '508', }, { code: 'PN', label: 'Pitcairn', phone: '870' }, { code: 'PR', label: 'Puerto Rico', phone: '1' }, { code: 'PS', label: 'Palestine, State of', phone: '970', }, { code: 'PT', label: 'Portugal', phone: '351' }, { code: 'PW', label: 'Palau', phone: '680' }, { code: 'PY', label: 'Paraguay', phone: '595' }, { code: 'QA', label: 'Qatar', phone: '974' }, { code: 'RE', label: 'Reunion', phone: '262' }, { code: 'RO', label: 'Romania', phone: '40' }, { code: 'RS', label: 'Serbia', phone: '381' }, { code: 'RU', label: 'Russian Federation', phone: '7' }, { code: 'RW', label: 'Rwanda', phone: '250' }, { code: 'SA', label: 'Saudi Arabia', phone: '966' }, { code: 'SB', label: 'Solomon Islands', phone: '677' }, { code: 'SC', label: 'Seychelles', phone: '248' }, { code: 'SD', label: 'Sudan', phone: '249' }, { code: 'SE', label: 'Sweden', phone: '46' }, { code: 'SG', label: 'Singapore', phone: '65' }, { code: 'SH', label: 'Saint Helena', phone: '290' }, { code: 'SI', label: 'Slovenia', phone: '386' }, { code: 'SJ', label: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', phone: '47', }, { code: 'SK', label: 'Slovakia', phone: '421' }, { code: 'SL', label: 'Sierra Leone', phone: '232' }, { code: 'SM', label: 'San Marino', phone: '378' }, { code: 'SN', label: 'Senegal', phone: '221' }, { code: 'SO', label: 'Somalia', phone: '252' }, { code: 'SR', label: 'Suriname', phone: '597' }, { code: 'SS', label: 'South Sudan', phone: '211' }, { code: 'ST', label: 'Sao Tome and Principe', phone: '239', }, { code: 'SV', label: 'El Salvador', phone: '503' }, { code: 'SX', label: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', phone: '1-721', }, { code: 'SY', label: 'Syrian Arab Republic', phone: '963', }, { code: 'SZ', label: 'Swaziland', phone: '268' }, { code: 'TC', label: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', phone: '1-649', }, { code: 'TD', label: 'Chad', phone: '235' }, { code: 'TF', label: 'French Southern Territories', phone: '262', }, { code: 'TG', label: 'Togo', phone: '228' }, { code: 'TH', label: 'Thailand', phone: '66' }, { code: 'TJ', label: 'Tajikistan', phone: '992' }, { code: 'TK', label: 'Tokelau', phone: '690' }, { code: 'TL', label: 'Timor-Leste', phone: '670' }, { code: 'TM', label: 'Turkmenistan', phone: '993' }, { code: 'TN', label: 'Tunisia', phone: '216' }, { code: 'TO', label: 'Tonga', phone: '676' }, { code: 'TR', label: 'Turkey', phone: '90' }, { code: 'TT', label: 'Trinidad and Tobago', phone: '1-868', }, { code: 'TV', label: 'Tuvalu', phone: '688' }, { code: 'TW', label: 'Taiwan', phone: '886', }, { code: 'TZ', label: 'United Republic of Tanzania', phone: '255', }, { code: 'UA', label: 'Ukraine', phone: '380' }, { code: 'UG', label: 'Uganda', phone: '256' }, { code: 'US', label: 'United States', phone: '1', suggested: true, }, { code: 'UY', label: 'Uruguay', phone: '598' }, { code: 'UZ', label: 'Uzbekistan', phone: '998' }, { code: 'VA', label: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', phone: '379', }, { code: 'VC', label: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', phone: '1-784', }, { code: 'VE', label: 'Venezuela', phone: '58' }, { code: 'VG', label: 'British Virgin Islands', phone: '1-284', }, { code: 'VI', label: 'US Virgin Islands', phone: '1-340', }, { code: 'VN', label: 'Vietnam', phone: '84' }, { code: 'VU', label: 'Vanuatu', phone: '678' }, { code: 'WF', label: 'Wallis and Futuna', phone: '681' }, { code: 'WS', label: 'Samoa', phone: '685' }, { code: 'XK', label: 'Kosovo', phone: '383' }, { code: 'YE', label: 'Yemen', phone: '967' }, { code: 'YT', label: 'Mayotte', phone: '262' }, { code: 'ZA', label: 'South Africa', phone: '27' }, { code: 'ZM', label: 'Zambia', phone: '260' }, { code: 'ZW', label: 'Zimbabwe', phone: '263' }, ];
Controlled states
The component has two states that can be controlled:
- the "value" state with the
props combination. This state represents the value selected by the user, for instance when pressing Enter. - the "input value" state with the
props combination. This state represents the value displayed in the textbox.
These two states are isolated, and should be controlled independently.
- A component is controlled when it's managed by its parent using props.
- A component is uncontrolled when it's managed by its own local state.
Learn more about controlled and uncontrolled components in the React documentation.
value: 'Option 1'
inputValue: ''
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; const options = ['Option 1', 'Option 2']; export default function ControllableStates() { const [value, setValue] = React.useState<string | null>(options[0]); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = React.useState(''); return ( <div> <div>{`value: ${value !== null ? `'${value}'` : 'null'}`}</div> <div>{`inputValue: '${inputValue}'`}</div> <br /> <Autocomplete value={value} onChange={(event: any, newValue: string | null) => { setValue(newValue); }} inputValue={inputValue} onInputChange={(event, newInputValue) => { setInputValue(newInputValue); }} id="controllable-states-demo" options={options} sx={{ width: 300 }} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Controllable" />} /> </div> ); }
If you control the
, make sure it's referentially stable between renders. In other words, the reference to the value shouldn't change if the value itself doesn't change.// ⚠️ BAD return <Autocomplete multiple value={allValues.filter((v) => v.selected)} />; // 👍 GOOD const selectedValues = React.useMemo( () => allValues.filter((v) => v.selected), [allValues], ); return <Autocomplete multiple value={selectedValues} />;
In the first example,
is called and returns a new array every render. The fix includes memoizing the value, so it changes only when needed. :::Free solo
to true so the textbox can contain any arbitrary value.Search input
The prop is designed to cover the primary use case of a search input with suggestions, for example Google search or react-autowhatever.
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Stack from '@mui/material/Stack'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; export default function FreeSolo() { return ( <Stack spacing={2} sx={{ width: 300 }}> <Autocomplete id="free-solo-demo" freeSolo options={ => option.title)} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="freeSolo" />} /> <Autocomplete freeSolo id="free-solo-2-demo" disableClearable options={ => option.title)} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Search input" slotProps={{ input: { ...params.InputProps, type: 'search', }, }} /> )} /> </Stack> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
:::warning Be careful when using the free solo mode with non-string options, as it may cause type mismatch.
The value created by typing into the textbox is always a string, regardless of the type of the options. :::
If you intend to use this mode for a combo box like experience (an enhanced version of a select element) we recommend setting:
to help the user clear the selected value.clearOnBlur
to help the user enter a new value.handleHomeEndKeys
to move focus inside the popup with the Home and End keys.- A last option, for instance:
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete, { createFilterOptions } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; const filter = createFilterOptions<FilmOptionType>(); export default function FreeSoloCreateOption() { const [value, setValue] = React.useState<FilmOptionType | null>(null); return ( <Autocomplete value={value} onChange={(event, newValue) => { if (typeof newValue === 'string') { setValue({ title: newValue, }); } else if (newValue && newValue.inputValue) { // Create a new value from the user input setValue({ title: newValue.inputValue, }); } else { setValue(newValue); } }} filterOptions={(options, params) => { const filtered = filter(options, params); const { inputValue } = params; // Suggest the creation of a new value const isExisting = options.some((option) => inputValue === option.title); if (inputValue !== '' && !isExisting) { filtered.push({ inputValue, title: `Add "${inputValue}"`, }); } return filtered; }} selectOnFocus clearOnBlur handleHomeEndKeys id="free-solo-with-text-demo" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => { // Value selected with enter, right from the input if (typeof option === 'string') { return option; } // Add "xxx" option created dynamically if (option.inputValue) { return option.inputValue; } // Regular option return option.title; }} renderOption={(props, option) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> {option.title} </li> ); }} sx={{ width: 300 }} freeSolo renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Free solo with text demo" /> )} /> ); } interface FilmOptionType { inputValue?: string; title: string; year?: number; } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films: readonly FilmOptionType[] = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
You could also display a dialog when the user wants to add a new value.
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Dialog from '@mui/material/Dialog'; import DialogTitle from '@mui/material/DialogTitle'; import DialogContent from '@mui/material/DialogContent'; import DialogContentText from '@mui/material/DialogContentText'; import DialogActions from '@mui/material/DialogActions'; import Button from '@mui/material/Button'; import Autocomplete, { createFilterOptions } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; const filter = createFilterOptions<FilmOptionType>(); export default function FreeSoloCreateOptionDialog() { const [value, setValue] = React.useState<FilmOptionType | null>(null); const [open, toggleOpen] = React.useState(false); const handleClose = () => { setDialogValue({ title: '', year: '', }); toggleOpen(false); }; const [dialogValue, setDialogValue] = React.useState({ title: '', year: '', }); const handleSubmit = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { event.preventDefault(); setValue({ title: dialogValue.title, year: parseInt(dialogValue.year, 10), }); handleClose(); }; return ( <React.Fragment> <Autocomplete value={value} onChange={(event, newValue) => { if (typeof newValue === 'string') { // timeout to avoid instant validation of the dialog's form. setTimeout(() => { toggleOpen(true); setDialogValue({ title: newValue, year: '', }); }); } else if (newValue && newValue.inputValue) { toggleOpen(true); setDialogValue({ title: newValue.inputValue, year: '', }); } else { setValue(newValue); } }} filterOptions={(options, params) => { const filtered = filter(options, params); if (params.inputValue !== '') { filtered.push({ inputValue: params.inputValue, title: `Add "${params.inputValue}"`, }); } return filtered; }} id="free-solo-dialog-demo" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => { // for example value selected with enter, right from the input if (typeof option === 'string') { return option; } if (option.inputValue) { return option.inputValue; } return option.title; }} selectOnFocus clearOnBlur handleHomeEndKeys renderOption={(props, option) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> {option.title} </li> ); }} sx={{ width: 300 }} freeSolo renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Free solo dialog" />} /> <Dialog open={open} onClose={handleClose}> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <DialogTitle>Add a new film</DialogTitle> <DialogContent> <DialogContentText> Did you miss any film in our list? Please, add it! </DialogContentText> <TextField autoFocus margin="dense" id="name" value={dialogValue.title} onChange={(event) => setDialogValue({ ...dialogValue, title:, }) } label="title" type="text" variant="standard" /> <TextField margin="dense" id="name" value={dialogValue.year} onChange={(event) => setDialogValue({ ...dialogValue, year:, }) } label="year" type="number" variant="standard" /> </DialogContent> <DialogActions> <Button onClick={handleClose}>Cancel</Button> <Button type="submit">Add</Button> </DialogActions> </form> </Dialog> </React.Fragment> ); } interface FilmOptionType { inputValue?: string; title: string; year?: number; } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films: readonly FilmOptionType[] = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
You can group the options with the
prop. If you do so, make sure that the options are also sorted with the same dimension that they are grouped by, otherwise, you will notice duplicate headers.import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; export default function Grouped() { const options = => { const firstLetter = option.title[0].toUpperCase(); return { firstLetter: /[0-9]/.test(firstLetter) ? '0-9' : firstLetter, ...option, }; }); return ( <Autocomplete options={options.sort((a, b) => -b.firstLetter.localeCompare(a.firstLetter))} groupBy={(option) => option.firstLetter} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} sx={{ width: 300 }} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="With categories" />} /> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
To control how the groups are rendered, provide a custom
prop. This is a function that accepts an object with two fields:group
—a string representing a group namechildren
—a collection of list items that belong to the group
The following demo shows how to use this prop to define custom markup and override the styles of the default groups:
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import { styled, lighten, darken } from '@mui/system'; const GroupHeader = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({ position: 'sticky', top: '-8px', padding: '4px 10px', color: theme.palette.primary.main, backgroundColor: lighten(theme.palette.primary.light, 0.85), ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { backgroundColor: darken(theme.palette.primary.main, 0.8), }), })); const GroupItems = styled('ul')({ padding: 0, }); export default function RenderGroup() { const options = => { const firstLetter = option.title[0].toUpperCase(); return { firstLetter: /[0-9]/.test(firstLetter) ? '0-9' : firstLetter, ...option, }; }); return ( <Autocomplete options={options.sort((a, b) => -b.firstLetter.localeCompare(a.firstLetter))} groupBy={(option) => option.firstLetter} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} sx={{ width: 300 }} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="With categories" />} renderGroup={(params) => ( <li key={params.key}> <GroupHeader>{}</GroupHeader> <GroupItems>{params.children}</GroupItems> </li> )} /> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Disabled options
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; export default function DisabledOptions() { return ( <Autocomplete options={timeSlots} getOptionDisabled={(option) => option === timeSlots[0] || option === timeSlots[2] } sx={{ width: 300 }} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Disabled options" />} /> ); } // One time slot every 30 minutes. const timeSlots = Array.from(new Array(24 * 2)).map( (_, index) => `${index < 20 ? '0' : ''}${Math.floor(index / 2)}:${ index % 2 === 0 ? '00' : '30' }`, );
For advanced customization use cases, a headless
hook is exposed. It accepts almost the same options as the Autocomplete component minus all the props related to the rendering of JSX. The Autocomplete component is built on this hook.import { useAutocomplete } from '@mui/base/useAutocomplete';
hook is also reexported from @mui/material for convenience and backward compatibility.import useAutocomplete from '@mui/material/useAutocomplete';
import * as React from 'react'; import { useAutocomplete } from '@mui/base/useAutocomplete'; import { styled } from '@mui/system'; const Label = styled('label')({ display: 'block', }); const Input = styled('input')(({ theme }) => ({ width: 200, backgroundColor: '#fff', color: '#000', ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { backgroundColor: '#000', color: '#fff', }), })); const Listbox = styled('ul')(({ theme }) => ({ width: 200, margin: 0, padding: 0, zIndex: 1, position: 'absolute', listStyle: 'none', backgroundColor: '#fff', overflow: 'auto', maxHeight: 200, border: '1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.25)', '& li.Mui-focused': { backgroundColor: '#4a8df6', color: 'white', cursor: 'pointer', }, '& li:active': { backgroundColor: '#2977f5', color: 'white', }, ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { backgroundColor: '#000', }), })); export default function UseAutocomplete() { const { getRootProps, getInputLabelProps, getInputProps, getListboxProps, getOptionProps, groupedOptions, } = useAutocomplete({ id: 'use-autocomplete-demo', options: top100Films, getOptionLabel: (option) => option.title, }); return ( <div> <div {...getRootProps()}> <Label {...getInputLabelProps()}>useAutocomplete</Label> <Input {...getInputProps()} /> </div> {groupedOptions.length > 0 ? ( <Listbox {...getListboxProps()}> {(groupedOptions as typeof top100Films).map((option, index) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = getOptionProps({ option, index }); return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> {option.title} </li> ); })} </Listbox> ) : null} </div> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Customized hook
The Godfather
import * as React from 'react'; import { useAutocomplete, AutocompleteGetTagProps } from '@mui/base/useAutocomplete'; import CheckIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Check'; import CloseIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Close'; import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { autocompleteClasses } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; const Root = styled('div')( ({ theme }) => ` color: ${ theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.65)' : 'rgba(0,0,0,.85)' }; font-size: 14px; `, ); const Label = styled('label')` padding: 0 0 4px; line-height: 1.5; display: block; `; const InputWrapper = styled('div')( ({ theme }) => ` width: 300px; border: 1px solid ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#434343' : '#d9d9d9'}; background-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#141414' : '#fff'}; border-radius: 4px; padding: 1px; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; &:hover { border-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#177ddc' : '#40a9ff'}; } &.focused { border-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#177ddc' : '#40a9ff'}; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgb(24 144 255 / 0.2); } & input { background-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#141414' : '#fff'}; color: ${ theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.65)' : 'rgba(0,0,0,.85)' }; height: 30px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 4px 6px; width: 0; min-width: 30px; flex-grow: 1; border: 0; margin: 0; outline: 0; } `, ); interface TagProps extends ReturnType<AutocompleteGetTagProps> { label: string; } function Tag(props: TagProps) { const { label, onDelete, ...other } = props; return ( <div {...other}> <span>{label}</span> <CloseIcon onClick={onDelete} /> </div> ); } const StyledTag = styled(Tag)<TagProps>( ({ theme }) => ` display: flex; align-items: center; height: 24px; margin: 2px; line-height: 22px; background-color: ${ theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? 'rgba(255,255,255,0.08)' : '#fafafa' }; border: 1px solid ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#303030' : '#e8e8e8'}; border-radius: 2px; box-sizing: content-box; padding: 0 4px 0 10px; outline: 0; overflow: hidden; &:focus { border-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#177ddc' : '#40a9ff'}; background-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#003b57' : '#e6f7ff'}; } & span { overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; } & svg { font-size: 12px; cursor: pointer; padding: 4px; } `, ); const Listbox = styled('ul')( ({ theme }) => ` width: 300px; margin: 2px 0 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; list-style: none; background-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#141414' : '#fff'}; overflow: auto; max-height: 250px; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.15); z-index: 1; & li { padding: 5px 12px; display: flex; & span { flex-grow: 1; } & svg { color: transparent; } } & li[aria-selected='true'] { background-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#2b2b2b' : '#fafafa'}; font-weight: 600; & svg { color: #1890ff; } } & li.${autocompleteClasses.focused} { background-color: ${theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#003b57' : '#e6f7ff'}; cursor: pointer; & svg { color: currentColor; } } `, ); export default function CustomizedHook() { const { getRootProps, getInputLabelProps, getInputProps, getTagProps, getListboxProps, getOptionProps, groupedOptions, value, focused, setAnchorEl, } = useAutocomplete({ id: 'customized-hook-demo', defaultValue: [top100Films[1]], multiple: true, options: top100Films, getOptionLabel: (option) => option.title, }); return ( <Root> <div {...getRootProps()}> <Label {...getInputLabelProps()}>Customized hook</Label> <InputWrapper ref={setAnchorEl} className={focused ? 'focused' : ''}> { FilmOptionType, index: number) => { const { key, ...tagProps } = getTagProps({ index }); return <StyledTag key={key} {...tagProps} label={option.title} />; })} <input {...getInputProps()} /> </InputWrapper> </div> {groupedOptions.length > 0 ? ( <Listbox {...getListboxProps()}> {(groupedOptions as typeof top100Films).map((option, index) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = getOptionProps({ option, index }); return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> <span>{option.title}</span> <CheckIcon fontSize="small" /> </li> ); })} </Listbox> ) : null} </Root> ); } interface FilmOptionType { title: string; year: number; } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Head to the customization section for an example with the
component instead of the hook.Asynchronous requests
The component supports two different asynchronous use-cases:
- Load on open: it waits for the component to be interacted with to load the options.
- Search as you type: a new request is made for each keystroke.
Load on open
It displays a progress state as long as the network request is pending.
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import CircularProgress from '@mui/material/CircularProgress'; interface Film { title: string; year: number; } function sleep(duration: number): Promise<void> { return new Promise<void>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, duration); }); } export default function Asynchronous() { const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false); const [options, setOptions] = React.useState<readonly Film[]>([]); const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false); const handleOpen = () => { setOpen(true); (async () => { setLoading(true); await sleep(1e3); // For demo purposes. setLoading(false); setOptions([...topFilms]); })(); }; const handleClose = () => { setOpen(false); setOptions([]); }; return ( <Autocomplete sx={{ width: 300 }} open={open} onOpen={handleOpen} onClose={handleClose} isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => option.title === value.title} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} options={options} loading={loading} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Asynchronous" slotProps={{ input: { ...params.InputProps, endAdornment: ( <React.Fragment> {loading ? <CircularProgress color="inherit" size={20} /> : null} {params.InputProps.endAdornment} </React.Fragment> ), }, }} /> )} /> ); } // Top films as rated by IMDb users. const topFilms = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, ];
Search as you type
If your logic is fetching new options on each keystroke and using the current value of the textbox to filter on the server, you may want to consider throttling requests.
Additionally, you will need to disable the built-in filtering of the
component by overriding the filterOptions
prop:<Autocomplete filterOptions={(x) => x} />
Google Maps place
A customized UI for Google Maps Places Autocomplete. For this demo, we need to load the Google Maps JavaScript and Google Places API.
The following demo relies on autosuggest-highlight, a small (1 kB) utility for highlighting text in autosuggest and autocomplete components.
import * as React from 'react'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import LocationOnIcon from '@mui/icons-material/LocationOn'; import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid'; import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'; import parse from 'autosuggest-highlight/parse'; import { debounce } from '@mui/material/utils'; // This key was created specifically for the demo in // You need to create a new one for your application. const GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY = 'AIzaSyC3aviU6KHXAjoSnxcw6qbOhjnFctbxPkE'; function loadScript(src: string, position: HTMLElement | null, id: string) { if (!position) { return; } const script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('async', ''); script.setAttribute('id', id); script.src = src; position.appendChild(script); } const autocompleteService = { current: null }; interface MainTextMatchedSubstrings { offset: number; length: number; } interface StructuredFormatting { main_text: string; secondary_text: string; main_text_matched_substrings?: readonly MainTextMatchedSubstrings[]; } interface PlaceType { description: string; structured_formatting: StructuredFormatting; } export default function GoogleMaps() { const [value, setValue] = React.useState<PlaceType | null>(null); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = React.useState(''); const [options, setOptions] = React.useState<readonly PlaceType[]>([]); const loaded = React.useRef(false); if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && !loaded.current) { if (!document.querySelector('#google-maps')) { loadScript( `${GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY}&libraries=places`, document.querySelector('head'), 'google-maps', ); } loaded.current = true; } const fetch = React.useMemo( () => debounce( ( request: { input: string }, callback: (results?: readonly PlaceType[]) => void, ) => { (autocompleteService.current as any).getPlacePredictions( request, callback, ); }, 400, ), [], ); React.useEffect(() => { let active = true; if (!autocompleteService.current && (window as any).google) { autocompleteService.current = new ( window as any ).google.maps.places.AutocompleteService(); } if (!autocompleteService.current) { return undefined; } if (inputValue === '') { setOptions(value ? [value] : []); return undefined; } fetch({ input: inputValue }, (results?: readonly PlaceType[]) => { if (active) { let newOptions: readonly PlaceType[] = []; if (value) { newOptions = [value]; } if (results) { newOptions = [...newOptions, ...results]; } setOptions(newOptions); } }); return () => { active = false; }; }, [value, inputValue, fetch]); return ( <Autocomplete sx={{ width: 300 }} getOptionLabel={(option) => typeof option === 'string' ? option : option.description } filterOptions={(x) => x} options={options} autoComplete includeInputInList filterSelectedOptions value={value} noOptionsText="No locations" onChange={(event: any, newValue: PlaceType | null) => { setOptions(newValue ? [newValue, ...options] : options); setValue(newValue); }} onInputChange={(event, newInputValue) => { setInputValue(newInputValue); }} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Add a location" fullWidth /> )} renderOption={(props, option) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; const matches = option.structured_formatting.main_text_matched_substrings || []; const parts = parse( option.structured_formatting.main_text, any) => [match.offset, match.offset + match.length]), ); return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> <Grid container sx={{ alignItems: 'center' }}> <Grid item sx={{ display: 'flex', width: 44 }}> <LocationOnIcon sx={{ color: 'text.secondary' }} /> </Grid> <Grid item sx={{ width: 'calc(100% - 44px)', wordWrap: 'break-word' }}> {, index) => ( <Box key={index} component="span" sx={{ fontWeight: part.highlight ? 'bold' : 'regular' }} > {part.text} </Box> ))} <Typography variant="body2" sx={{ color: 'text.secondary' }}> {option.structured_formatting.secondary_text} </Typography> </Grid> </Grid> </li> ); }} /> ); }
:::error Before you can start using the Google Maps JavaScript API and Places API, you need to get your own API key. :::
Multiple values
Also known as tags, the user is allowed to enter more than one value.
Forrest Gump
import * as React from 'react'; import Chip from '@mui/material/Chip'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Stack from '@mui/material/Stack'; export default function Tags() { return ( <Stack spacing={3} sx={{ width: 500 }}> <Autocomplete multiple id="tags-standard" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={[top100Films[13]]} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} variant="standard" label="Multiple values" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete multiple id="tags-outlined" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={[top100Films[13]]} filterSelectedOptions renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="filterSelectedOptions" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete multiple id="tags-filled" options={ => option.title)} defaultValue={[top100Films[13].title]} freeSolo renderTags={(value: readonly string[], getTagProps) => string, index: number) => { const { key, ...tagProps } = getTagProps({ index }); return ( <Chip variant="outlined" label={option} key={key} {...tagProps} /> ); }) } renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} variant="filled" label="freeSolo" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete multiple id="tags-readOnly" options={ => option.title)} defaultValue={[top100Films[12].title, top100Films[13].title]} readOnly renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="readOnly" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> </Stack> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Fixed options
In the event that you need to lock certain tags so that they can't be removed, you can set the chips disabled.
Pulp Fiction
import * as React from 'react'; import Chip from '@mui/material/Chip'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; export default function FixedTags() { const fixedOptions = [top100Films[6]]; const [value, setValue] = React.useState([...fixedOptions, top100Films[13]]); return ( <Autocomplete multiple id="fixed-tags-demo" value={value} onChange={(event, newValue) => { setValue([ ...fixedOptions, ...newValue.filter((option) => !fixedOptions.includes(option)), ]); }} options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} renderTags={(tagValue, getTagProps) =>, index) => { const { key, ...tagProps } = getTagProps({ index }); return ( <Chip key={key} label={option.title} {...tagProps} disabled={fixedOptions.includes(option)} /> ); }) } style={{ width: 500 }} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Fixed tag" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
import * as React from 'react'; import Checkbox from '@mui/material/Checkbox'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import CheckBoxOutlineBlankIcon from '@mui/icons-material/CheckBoxOutlineBlank'; import CheckBoxIcon from '@mui/icons-material/CheckBox'; const icon = <CheckBoxOutlineBlankIcon fontSize="small" />; const checkedIcon = <CheckBoxIcon fontSize="small" />; export default function CheckboxesTags() { return ( <Autocomplete multiple id="checkboxes-tags-demo" options={top100Films} disableCloseOnSelect getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} renderOption={(props, option, { selected }) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> <Checkbox icon={icon} checkedIcon={checkedIcon} style={{ marginRight: 8 }} checked={selected} /> {option.title} </li> ); }} style={{ width: 500 }} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Checkboxes" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, ];
Limit tags
You can use the
prop to limit the number of displayed options when not focused.Inception
Forrest Gump
+1import * as React from 'react'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; export default function LimitTags() { return ( <Autocomplete multiple limitTags={2} id="multiple-limit-tags" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={[top100Films[13], top100Films[12], top100Films[11]]} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="limitTags" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} sx={{ width: '500px' }} /> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Fancy smaller inputs? Use the
import * as React from 'react'; import Stack from '@mui/material/Stack'; import Chip from '@mui/material/Chip'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; export default function Sizes() { return ( <Stack spacing={2} sx={{ width: 500 }}> <Autocomplete id="size-small-standard" size="small" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={top100Films[13]} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} variant="standard" label="Size small" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete multiple id="size-small-standard-multi" size="small" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={[top100Films[13]]} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} variant="standard" label="Size small" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete id="size-small-outlined" size="small" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={top100Films[13]} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Size small" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete multiple id="size-small-outlined-multi" size="small" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={[top100Films[13]]} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Size small" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete id="size-small-filled" size="small" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={top100Films[13]} renderTags={(value, getTagProps) =>, index) => { const { key, ...tagProps } = getTagProps({ index }); return ( <Chip key={key} variant="outlined" label={option.title} size="small" {...tagProps} /> ); }) } renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} variant="filled" label="Size small" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> <Autocomplete multiple id="size-small-filled-multi" size="small" options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} defaultValue={[top100Films[13]]} renderTags={(value, getTagProps) =>, index) => { const { key, ...tagProps } = getTagProps({ index }); return ( <Chip key={key} variant="outlined" label={option.title} size="small" {...tagProps} /> ); }) } renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} variant="filled" label="Size small" placeholder="Favorites" /> )} /> </Stack> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Custom input
prop allows you to customize the rendered input. The first argument of this render prop contains props that you need to forward. Pay specific attention to the ref
and inputProps
keys.:::warning If you're using a custom input component inside the Autocomplete, make sure that you forward the ref to the underlying DOM element. :::
import * as React from 'react'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; const options = ['Option 1', 'Option 2']; export default function CustomInputAutocomplete() { return ( <label> Value:{' '} <Autocomplete sx={(theme) => ({ display: 'inline-block', '& input': { width: 200, bgcolor: 'background.paper', color: theme.palette.getContrastText(theme.palette.background.paper), }, })} id="custom-input-demo" options={options} renderInput={(params) => ( <div ref={params.InputProps.ref}> <input type="text" {...params.inputProps} /> </div> )} /> </label> ); }
Globally Customized Options
To globally customize the Autocomplete options for all components in your app, you can use the theme default props and set the
property in the defaultProps
key. The renderOption
property takes the ownerState
as the fourth parameter, which includes props and internal component state. To display the label, you can use the getOptionLabel
prop from the ownerState
. This approach enables different options for each Autocomplete component while keeping the options styling consistent.import * as React from 'react'; import Autocomplete, { autocompleteClasses } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import Stack from '@mui/material/Stack'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import { createTheme, useTheme, ThemeProvider, Theme } from '@mui/material/styles'; // Theme.ts const customTheme = (outerTheme: Theme) => createTheme({ palette: { mode: outerTheme.palette.mode, }, components: { MuiAutocomplete: { defaultProps: { renderOption: (props, option, state, ownerState) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; return ( <Box key={key} sx={{ borderRadius: '8px', margin: '5px', [`&.${autocompleteClasses.option}`]: { padding: '8px', }, }} component="li" {...optionProps} > {ownerState.getOptionLabel(option)} </Box> ); }, }, }, }, }); export default function GloballyCustomizedOptions() { // useTheme is used to determine the dark or light mode of the docs to maintain the Autocomplete component default styles. const outerTheme = useTheme(); return ( <ThemeProvider theme={customTheme(outerTheme)}> <Stack spacing={5} sx={{ width: 300 }}> <MovieSelect /> <CountrySelect /> </Stack> </ThemeProvider> ); } function MovieSelect() { return ( <Autocomplete options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option: FilmOptionType) => `${option.title} (${option.year})`} id="movie-customized-option-demo" disableCloseOnSelect renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Choose a movie" variant="standard" /> )} /> ); } function CountrySelect() { return ( <Autocomplete options={countries} disableCloseOnSelect getOptionLabel={(option: CountryType) => `${option.label} (${option.code}) +${}` } renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Choose a country" />} /> ); } interface CountryType { code: string; label: string; phone: string; suggested?: boolean; } // From const countries: readonly CountryType[] = [ { code: 'AD', label: 'Andorra', phone: '376' }, { code: 'AE', label: 'United Arab Emirates', phone: '971', }, { code: 'AF', label: 'Afghanistan', phone: '93' }, { code: 'AG', label: 'Antigua and Barbuda', phone: '1-268', }, { code: 'AI', label: 'Anguilla', phone: '1-264' }, { code: 'AL', label: 'Albania', phone: '355' }, { code: 'AM', label: 'Armenia', phone: '374' }, { code: 'AO', label: 'Angola', phone: '244' }, { code: 'AQ', label: 'Antarctica', phone: '672' }, { code: 'AR', label: 'Argentina', phone: '54' }, { code: 'AS', label: 'American Samoa', phone: '1-684' }, { code: 'AT', label: 'Austria', phone: '43' }, { code: 'AU', label: 'Australia', phone: '61', suggested: true, }, { code: 'AW', label: 'Aruba', phone: '297' }, { code: 'AX', label: 'Alland Islands', phone: '358' }, { code: 'AZ', label: 'Azerbaijan', phone: '994' }, { code: 'BA', label: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', phone: '387', }, { code: 'BB', label: 'Barbados', phone: '1-246' }, { code: 'BD', label: 'Bangladesh', phone: '880' }, { code: 'BE', label: 'Belgium', phone: '32' }, { code: 'BF', label: 'Burkina Faso', phone: '226' }, { code: 'BG', label: 'Bulgaria', phone: '359' }, { code: 'BH', label: 'Bahrain', phone: '973' }, { code: 'BI', label: 'Burundi', phone: '257' }, { code: 'BJ', label: 'Benin', phone: '229' }, { code: 'BL', label: 'Saint Barthelemy', phone: '590' }, { code: 'BM', label: 'Bermuda', phone: '1-441' }, { code: 'BN', label: 'Brunei Darussalam', phone: '673' }, { code: 'BO', label: 'Bolivia', phone: '591' }, { code: 'BR', label: 'Brazil', phone: '55' }, { code: 'BS', label: 'Bahamas', phone: '1-242' }, { code: 'BT', label: 'Bhutan', phone: '975' }, { code: 'BV', label: 'Bouvet Island', phone: '47' }, { code: 'BW', label: 'Botswana', phone: '267' }, { code: 'BY', label: 'Belarus', phone: '375' }, { code: 'BZ', label: 'Belize', phone: '501' }, { code: 'CA', label: 'Canada', phone: '1', suggested: true, }, { code: 'CC', label: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', phone: '61', }, { code: 'CD', label: 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the', phone: '243', }, { code: 'CF', label: 'Central African Republic', phone: '236', }, { code: 'CG', label: 'Congo, Republic of the', phone: '242', }, { code: 'CH', label: 'Switzerland', phone: '41' }, { code: 'CI', label: "Cote d'Ivoire", phone: '225' }, { code: 'CK', label: 'Cook Islands', phone: '682' }, { code: 'CL', label: 'Chile', phone: '56' }, { code: 'CM', label: 'Cameroon', phone: '237' }, { code: 'CN', label: 'China', phone: '86' }, { code: 'CO', label: 'Colombia', phone: '57' }, { code: 'CR', label: 'Costa Rica', phone: '506' }, { code: 'CU', label: 'Cuba', phone: '53' }, { code: 'CV', label: 'Cape Verde', phone: '238' }, { code: 'CW', label: 'Curacao', phone: '599' }, { code: 'CX', label: 'Christmas Island', phone: '61' }, { code: 'CY', label: 'Cyprus', phone: '357' }, { code: 'CZ', label: 'Czech Republic', phone: '420' }, { code: 'DE', label: 'Germany', phone: '49', suggested: true, }, { code: 'DJ', label: 'Djibouti', phone: '253' }, { code: 'DK', label: 'Denmark', phone: '45' }, { code: 'DM', label: 'Dominica', phone: '1-767' }, { code: 'DO', label: 'Dominican Republic', phone: '1-809', }, { code: 'DZ', label: 'Algeria', phone: '213' }, { code: 'EC', label: 'Ecuador', phone: '593' }, { code: 'EE', label: 'Estonia', phone: '372' }, { code: 'EG', label: 'Egypt', phone: '20' }, { code: 'EH', label: 'Western Sahara', phone: '212' }, { code: 'ER', label: 'Eritrea', phone: '291' }, { code: 'ES', label: 'Spain', phone: '34' }, { code: 'ET', label: 'Ethiopia', phone: '251' }, { code: 'FI', label: 'Finland', phone: '358' }, { code: 'FJ', label: 'Fiji', phone: '679' }, { code: 'FK', label: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', phone: '500', }, { code: 'FM', label: 'Micronesia, Federated States of', phone: '691', }, { code: 'FO', label: 'Faroe Islands', phone: '298' }, { code: 'FR', label: 'France', phone: '33', suggested: true, }, { code: 'GA', label: 'Gabon', phone: '241' }, { code: 'GB', label: 'United Kingdom', phone: '44' }, { code: 'GD', label: 'Grenada', phone: '1-473' }, { code: 'GE', label: 'Georgia', phone: '995' }, { code: 'GF', label: 'French Guiana', phone: '594' }, { code: 'GG', label: 'Guernsey', phone: '44' }, { code: 'GH', label: 'Ghana', phone: '233' }, { code: 'GI', label: 'Gibraltar', phone: '350' }, { code: 'GL', label: 'Greenland', phone: '299' }, { code: 'GM', label: 'Gambia', phone: '220' }, { code: 'GN', label: 'Guinea', phone: '224' }, { code: 'GP', label: 'Guadeloupe', phone: '590' }, { code: 'GQ', label: 'Equatorial Guinea', phone: '240' }, { code: 'GR', label: 'Greece', phone: '30' }, { code: 'GS', label: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', phone: '500', }, { code: 'GT', label: 'Guatemala', phone: '502' }, { code: 'GU', label: 'Guam', phone: '1-671' }, { code: 'GW', label: 'Guinea-Bissau', phone: '245' }, { code: 'GY', label: 'Guyana', phone: '592' }, { code: 'HK', label: 'Hong Kong', phone: '852' }, { code: 'HM', label: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', phone: '672', }, { code: 'HN', label: 'Honduras', phone: '504' }, { code: 'HR', label: 'Croatia', phone: '385' }, { code: 'HT', label: 'Haiti', phone: '509' }, { code: 'HU', label: 'Hungary', phone: '36' }, { code: 'ID', label: 'Indonesia', phone: '62' }, { code: 'IE', label: 'Ireland', phone: '353' }, { code: 'IL', label: 'Israel', phone: '972' }, { code: 'IM', label: 'Isle of Man', phone: '44' }, { code: 'IN', label: 'India', phone: '91' }, { code: 'IO', label: 'British Indian Ocean Territory', phone: '246', }, { code: 'IQ', label: 'Iraq', phone: '964' }, { code: 'IR', label: 'Iran, Islamic Republic of', phone: '98', }, { code: 'IS', label: 'Iceland', phone: '354' }, { code: 'IT', label: 'Italy', phone: '39' }, { code: 'JE', label: 'Jersey', phone: '44' }, { code: 'JM', label: 'Jamaica', phone: '1-876' }, { code: 'JO', label: 'Jordan', phone: '962' }, { code: 'JP', label: 'Japan', phone: '81', suggested: true, }, { code: 'KE', label: 'Kenya', phone: '254' }, { code: 'KG', label: 'Kyrgyzstan', phone: '996' }, { code: 'KH', label: 'Cambodia', phone: '855' }, { code: 'KI', label: 'Kiribati', phone: '686' }, { code: 'KM', label: 'Comoros', phone: '269' }, { code: 'KN', label: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', phone: '1-869', }, { code: 'KP', label: "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of", phone: '850', }, { code: 'KR', label: 'Korea, Republic of', phone: '82' }, { code: 'KW', label: 'Kuwait', phone: '965' }, { code: 'KY', label: 'Cayman Islands', phone: '1-345' }, { code: 'KZ', label: 'Kazakhstan', phone: '7' }, { code: 'LA', label: "Lao People's Democratic Republic", phone: '856', }, { code: 'LB', label: 'Lebanon', phone: '961' }, { code: 'LC', label: 'Saint Lucia', phone: '1-758' }, { code: 'LI', label: 'Liechtenstein', phone: '423' }, { code: 'LK', label: 'Sri Lanka', phone: '94' }, { code: 'LR', label: 'Liberia', phone: '231' }, { code: 'LS', label: 'Lesotho', phone: '266' }, { code: 'LT', label: 'Lithuania', phone: '370' }, { code: 'LU', label: 'Luxembourg', phone: '352' }, { code: 'LV', label: 'Latvia', phone: '371' }, { code: 'LY', label: 'Libya', phone: '218' }, { code: 'MA', label: 'Morocco', phone: '212' }, { code: 'MC', label: 'Monaco', phone: '377' }, { code: 'MD', label: 'Moldova, Republic of', phone: '373', }, { code: 'ME', label: 'Montenegro', phone: '382' }, { code: 'MF', label: 'Saint Martin (French part)', phone: '590', }, { code: 'MG', label: 'Madagascar', phone: '261' }, { code: 'MH', label: 'Marshall Islands', phone: '692' }, { code: 'MK', label: 'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of', phone: '389', }, { code: 'ML', label: 'Mali', phone: '223' }, { code: 'MM', label: 'Myanmar', phone: '95' }, { code: 'MN', label: 'Mongolia', phone: '976' }, { code: 'MO', label: 'Macao', phone: '853' }, { code: 'MP', label: 'Northern Mariana Islands', phone: '1-670', }, { code: 'MQ', label: 'Martinique', phone: '596' }, { code: 'MR', label: 'Mauritania', phone: '222' }, { code: 'MS', label: 'Montserrat', phone: '1-664' }, { code: 'MT', label: 'Malta', phone: '356' }, { code: 'MU', label: 'Mauritius', phone: '230' }, { code: 'MV', label: 'Maldives', phone: '960' }, { code: 'MW', label: 'Malawi', phone: '265' }, { code: 'MX', label: 'Mexico', phone: '52' }, { code: 'MY', label: 'Malaysia', phone: '60' }, { code: 'MZ', label: 'Mozambique', phone: '258' }, { code: 'NA', label: 'Namibia', phone: '264' }, { code: 'NC', label: 'New Caledonia', phone: '687' }, { code: 'NE', label: 'Niger', phone: '227' }, { code: 'NF', label: 'Norfolk Island', phone: '672' }, { code: 'NG', label: 'Nigeria', phone: '234' }, { code: 'NI', label: 'Nicaragua', phone: '505' }, { code: 'NL', label: 'Netherlands', phone: '31' }, { code: 'NO', label: 'Norway', phone: '47' }, { code: 'NP', label: 'Nepal', phone: '977' }, { code: 'NR', label: 'Nauru', phone: '674' }, { code: 'NU', label: 'Niue', phone: '683' }, { code: 'NZ', label: 'New Zealand', phone: '64' }, { code: 'OM', label: 'Oman', phone: '968' }, { code: 'PA', label: 'Panama', phone: '507' }, { code: 'PE', label: 'Peru', phone: '51' }, { code: 'PF', label: 'French Polynesia', phone: '689' }, { code: 'PG', label: 'Papua New Guinea', phone: '675' }, { code: 'PH', label: 'Philippines', phone: '63' }, { code: 'PK', label: 'Pakistan', phone: '92' }, { code: 'PL', label: 'Poland', phone: '48' }, { code: 'PM', label: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', phone: '508', }, { code: 'PN', label: 'Pitcairn', phone: '870' }, { code: 'PR', label: 'Puerto Rico', phone: '1' }, { code: 'PS', label: 'Palestine, State of', phone: '970', }, { code: 'PT', label: 'Portugal', phone: '351' }, { code: 'PW', label: 'Palau', phone: '680' }, { code: 'PY', label: 'Paraguay', phone: '595' }, { code: 'QA', label: 'Qatar', phone: '974' }, { code: 'RE', label: 'Reunion', phone: '262' }, { code: 'RO', label: 'Romania', phone: '40' }, { code: 'RS', label: 'Serbia', phone: '381' }, { code: 'RU', label: 'Russian Federation', phone: '7' }, { code: 'RW', label: 'Rwanda', phone: '250' }, { code: 'SA', label: 'Saudi Arabia', phone: '966' }, { code: 'SB', label: 'Solomon Islands', phone: '677' }, { code: 'SC', label: 'Seychelles', phone: '248' }, { code: 'SD', label: 'Sudan', phone: '249' }, { code: 'SE', label: 'Sweden', phone: '46' }, { code: 'SG', label: 'Singapore', phone: '65' }, { code: 'SH', label: 'Saint Helena', phone: '290' }, { code: 'SI', label: 'Slovenia', phone: '386' }, { code: 'SJ', label: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', phone: '47', }, { code: 'SK', label: 'Slovakia', phone: '421' }, { code: 'SL', label: 'Sierra Leone', phone: '232' }, { code: 'SM', label: 'San Marino', phone: '378' }, { code: 'SN', label: 'Senegal', phone: '221' }, { code: 'SO', label: 'Somalia', phone: '252' }, { code: 'SR', label: 'Suriname', phone: '597' }, { code: 'SS', label: 'South Sudan', phone: '211' }, { code: 'ST', label: 'Sao Tome and Principe', phone: '239', }, { code: 'SV', label: 'El Salvador', phone: '503' }, { code: 'SX', label: 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', phone: '1-721', }, { code: 'SY', label: 'Syrian Arab Republic', phone: '963', }, { code: 'SZ', label: 'Swaziland', phone: '268' }, { code: 'TC', label: 'Turks and Caicos Islands', phone: '1-649', }, { code: 'TD', label: 'Chad', phone: '235' }, { code: 'TF', label: 'French Southern Territories', phone: '262', }, { code: 'TG', label: 'Togo', phone: '228' }, { code: 'TH', label: 'Thailand', phone: '66' }, { code: 'TJ', label: 'Tajikistan', phone: '992' }, { code: 'TK', label: 'Tokelau', phone: '690' }, { code: 'TL', label: 'Timor-Leste', phone: '670' }, { code: 'TM', label: 'Turkmenistan', phone: '993' }, { code: 'TN', label: 'Tunisia', phone: '216' }, { code: 'TO', label: 'Tonga', phone: '676' }, { code: 'TR', label: 'Turkey', phone: '90' }, { code: 'TT', label: 'Trinidad and Tobago', phone: '1-868', }, { code: 'TV', label: 'Tuvalu', phone: '688' }, { code: 'TW', label: 'Taiwan', phone: '886', }, { code: 'TZ', label: 'United Republic of Tanzania', phone: '255', }, { code: 'UA', label: 'Ukraine', phone: '380' }, { code: 'UG', label: 'Uganda', phone: '256' }, { code: 'US', label: 'United States', phone: '1', suggested: true, }, { code: 'UY', label: 'Uruguay', phone: '598' }, { code: 'UZ', label: 'Uzbekistan', phone: '998' }, { code: 'VA', label: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)', phone: '379', }, { code: 'VC', label: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', phone: '1-784', }, { code: 'VE', label: 'Venezuela', phone: '58' }, { code: 'VG', label: 'British Virgin Islands', phone: '1-284', }, { code: 'VI', label: 'US Virgin Islands', phone: '1-340', }, { code: 'VN', label: 'Vietnam', phone: '84' }, { code: 'VU', label: 'Vanuatu', phone: '678' }, { code: 'WF', label: 'Wallis and Futuna', phone: '681' }, { code: 'WS', label: 'Samoa', phone: '685' }, { code: 'XK', label: 'Kosovo', phone: '383' }, { code: 'YE', label: 'Yemen', phone: '967' }, { code: 'YT', label: 'Mayotte', phone: '262' }, { code: 'ZA', label: 'South Africa', phone: '27' }, { code: 'ZM', label: 'Zambia', phone: '260' }, { code: 'ZW', label: 'Zimbabwe', phone: '263' }, ]; interface FilmOptionType { title: string; year: number; } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
GitHub's picker
This demo reproduces GitHub's label picker:
help wanted
type: bug
import * as React from 'react'; import { useTheme, styled } from '@mui/material/styles'; import Popper from '@mui/material/Popper'; import ClickAwayListener from '@mui/material/ClickAwayListener'; import SettingsIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Settings'; import CloseIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Close'; import DoneIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Done'; import Autocomplete, { AutocompleteCloseReason, autocompleteClasses, } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import ButtonBase from '@mui/material/ButtonBase'; import InputBase from '@mui/material/InputBase'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; interface PopperComponentProps { anchorEl?: any; disablePortal?: boolean; open: boolean; } const StyledAutocompletePopper = styled('div')(({ theme }) => ({ [`& .${autocompleteClasses.paper}`]: { boxShadow: 'none', margin: 0, color: 'inherit', fontSize: 13, }, [`& .${autocompleteClasses.listbox}`]: { backgroundColor: '#fff', padding: 0, [`& .${autocompleteClasses.option}`]: { minHeight: 'auto', alignItems: 'flex-start', padding: 8, borderBottom: `1px solid ${' #eaecef'}`, '&[aria-selected="true"]': { backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, [`&.${autocompleteClasses.focused}, &.${autocompleteClasses.focused}[aria-selected="true"]`]: { backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover, }, ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { borderBottom: `1px solid ${'#30363d'}`, }), }, ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { backgroundColor: '#1c2128', }), }, [`&.${autocompleteClasses.popperDisablePortal}`]: { position: 'relative', }, })); function PopperComponent(props: PopperComponentProps) { const { disablePortal, anchorEl, open, ...other } = props; return <StyledAutocompletePopper {...other} />; } const StyledPopper = styled(Popper)(({ theme }) => ({ border: `1px solid ${'#e1e4e8'}`, boxShadow: `0 8px 24px ${'rgba(149, 157, 165, 0.2)'}`, color: '#24292e', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderRadius: 6, width: 300, zIndex: theme.zIndex.modal, fontSize: 13, ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { border: `1px solid ${'#30363d'}`, boxShadow: `0 8px 24px ${'rgb(1, 4, 9)'}`, color: '#c9d1d9', backgroundColor: '#1c2128', }), })); const StyledInput = styled(InputBase)(({ theme }) => ({ padding: 10, width: '100%', borderBottom: `1px solid ${'#30363d'}`, '& input': { borderRadius: 4, backgroundColor: '#fff', border: `1px solid ${'#30363d'}`, padding: 8, transition: theme.transitions.create(['border-color', 'box-shadow']), fontSize: 14, '&:focus': { boxShadow: `0px 0px 0px 3px ${'rgba(3, 102, 214, 0.3)'}`, borderColor: '#0366d6', ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { boxShadow: `0px 0px 0px 3px ${'rgb(12, 45, 107)'}`, borderColor: '#388bfd', }), }, ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { backgroundColor: '#0d1117', border: `1px solid ${'#eaecef'}`, }), }, ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { borderBottom: `1px solid ${'#eaecef'}`, }), })); const Button = styled(ButtonBase)(({ theme }) => ({ fontSize: 13, width: '100%', textAlign: 'left', paddingBottom: 8, color: '#586069', fontWeight: 600, '&:hover,&:focus': { color: '#0366d6', ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { color: '#58a6ff', }), }, '& span': { width: '100%', }, '& svg': { width: 16, height: 16, }, ...theme.applyStyles('dark', { color: '#8b949e', }), })); export default function GitHubLabel() { const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = React.useState<null | HTMLElement>(null); const [value, setValue] = React.useState<LabelType[]>([labels[1], labels[11]]); const [pendingValue, setPendingValue] = React.useState<LabelType[]>([]); const theme = useTheme(); const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => { setPendingValue(value); setAnchorEl(event.currentTarget); }; const handleClose = () => { setValue(pendingValue); if (anchorEl) { anchorEl.focus(); } setAnchorEl(null); }; const open = Boolean(anchorEl); const id = open ? 'github-label' : undefined; return ( <React.Fragment> <Box sx={{ width: 221, fontSize: 13 }}> <Button disableRipple aria-describedby={id} onClick={handleClick}> <span>Labels</span> <SettingsIcon /> </Button> { => ( <Box key={} sx={{ mt: '3px', height: 20, padding: '.15em 4px', fontWeight: 600, lineHeight: '15px', borderRadius: '2px', }} style={{ backgroundColor: label.color, color: theme.palette.getContrastText(label.color), }} > {} </Box> ))} </Box> <StyledPopper id={id} open={open} anchorEl={anchorEl} placement="bottom-start"> <ClickAwayListener onClickAway={handleClose}> <div> <Box sx={(t) => ({ borderBottom: `1px solid ${'#30363d'}`, padding: '8px 10px', fontWeight: 600, ...t.applyStyles('light', { borderBottom: `1px solid ${'#eaecef'}`, }), })} > Apply labels to this pull request </Box> <Autocomplete open multiple onClose={( event: React.ChangeEvent<{}>, reason: AutocompleteCloseReason, ) => { if (reason === 'escape') { handleClose(); } }} value={pendingValue} onChange={(event, newValue, reason) => { if ( event.type === 'keydown' && ((event as React.KeyboardEvent).key === 'Backspace' || (event as React.KeyboardEvent).key === 'Delete') && reason === 'removeOption' ) { return; } setPendingValue(newValue); }} disableCloseOnSelect renderTags={() => null} noOptionsText="No labels" renderOption={(props, option, { selected }) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> <Box component={DoneIcon} sx={{ width: 17, height: 17, mr: '5px', ml: '-2px' }} style={{ visibility: selected ? 'visible' : 'hidden', }} /> <Box component="span" sx={{ width: 14, height: 14, flexShrink: 0, borderRadius: '3px', mr: 1, mt: '2px', }} style={{ backgroundColor: option.color }} /> <Box sx={(t) => ({ flexGrow: 1, '& span': { color: '#8b949e', ...t.applyStyles('light', { color: '#586069', }), }, })} > {} <br /> <span>{option.description}</span> </Box> <Box component={CloseIcon} sx={{ opacity: 0.6, width: 18, height: 18 }} style={{ visibility: selected ? 'visible' : 'hidden', }} /> </li> ); }} options={[...labels].sort((a, b) => { // Display the selected labels first. let ai = value.indexOf(a); ai = ai === -1 ? value.length + labels.indexOf(a) : ai; let bi = value.indexOf(b); bi = bi === -1 ? value.length + labels.indexOf(b) : bi; return ai - bi; })} getOptionLabel={(option) =>} renderInput={(params) => ( <StyledInput ref={params.InputProps.ref} inputProps={params.inputProps} autoFocus placeholder="Filter labels" /> )} slots={{ popper: PopperComponent, }} /> </div> </ClickAwayListener> </StyledPopper> </React.Fragment> ); } interface LabelType { name: string; color: string; description?: string; } // From const labels = [ { name: 'good first issue', color: '#7057ff', description: 'Good for newcomers', }, { name: 'help wanted', color: '#008672', description: 'Extra attention is needed', }, { name: 'priority: critical', color: '#b60205', description: '', }, { name: 'priority: high', color: '#d93f0b', description: '', }, { name: 'priority: low', color: '#0e8a16', description: '', }, { name: 'priority: medium', color: '#fbca04', description: '', }, { name: "status: can't reproduce", color: '#fec1c1', description: '', }, { name: 'status: confirmed', color: '#215cea', description: '', }, { name: 'status: duplicate', color: '#cfd3d7', description: 'This issue or pull request already exists', }, { name: 'status: needs information', color: '#fef2c0', description: '', }, { name: 'status: wont do/fix', color: '#eeeeee', description: 'This will not be worked on', }, { name: 'type: bug', color: '#d73a4a', description: "Something isn't working", }, { name: 'type: discussion', color: '#d4c5f9', description: '', }, { name: 'type: documentation', color: '#006b75', description: '', }, { name: 'type: enhancement', color: '#84b6eb', description: '', }, { name: 'type: epic', color: '#3e4b9e', description: 'A theme of work that contain sub-tasks', }, { name: 'type: feature request', color: '#fbca04', description: 'New feature or request', }, { name: 'type: question', color: '#d876e3', description: 'Further information is requested', }, ];
Head to the Customized hook section for a customization example with the
hook instead of the component.Hint
The following demo shows how to add a hint feature to the Autocomplete:
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'; export default function AutocompleteHint() { const hint = React.useRef(''); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = React.useState(''); return ( <Autocomplete onKeyDown={(event) => { if (event.key === 'Tab') { if (hint.current) { setInputValue(hint.current); event.preventDefault(); } } }} onClose={() => { hint.current = ''; }} onChange={(event, newValue) => { setInputValue(newValue && newValue.label ? newValue.label : ''); }} disablePortal inputValue={inputValue} id="combo-box-hint-demo" options={top100Films} sx={{ width: 300 }} renderInput={(params) => { return ( <Box sx={{ position: 'relative' }}> <Typography sx={{ position: 'absolute', opacity: 0.5, left: 14, top: 16, overflow: 'hidden', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', width: 'calc(100% - 75px)', // Adjust based on padding of TextField }} > {hint.current} </Typography> <TextField {...params} onChange={(event) => { const newValue =; setInputValue(newValue); const matchingOption = top100Films.find((option) => option.label.startsWith(newValue), ); if (newValue && matchingOption) { hint.current = matchingOption.label; } else { hint.current = ''; } }} label="Movie" /> </Box> ); }} /> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { label: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { label: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { label: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { label: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { label: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { label: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { label: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { label: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { label: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { label: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { label: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { label: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { label: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { label: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { label: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { label: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { label: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { label: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { label: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { label: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { label: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { label: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { label: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { label: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { label: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { label: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { label: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { label: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { label: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { label: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { label: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { label: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { label: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { label: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { label: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { label: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { label: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { label: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { label: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { label: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { label: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { label: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { label: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { label: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { label: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { label: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { label: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { label: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { label: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { label: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { label: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { label: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { label: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { label: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { label: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { label: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { label: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { label: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { label: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { label: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { label: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { label: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { label: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { label: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { label: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { label: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { label: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { label: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { label: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { label: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { label: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { label: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { label: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { label: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { label: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { label: 'M', year: 1931 }, { label: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { label: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { label: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { label: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { label: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { label: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { label: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { label: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { label: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { label: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { label: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { label: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { label: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { label: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { label: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { label: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { label: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { label: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { label: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { label: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { label: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { label: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { label: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { label: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
The following demo relies on autosuggest-highlight, a small (1 kB) utility for highlighting text in autosuggest and autocomplete components.
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import parse from 'autosuggest-highlight/parse'; import match from 'autosuggest-highlight/match'; export default function Highlights() { return ( <Autocomplete sx={{ width: 300 }} options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} label="Highlights" margin="normal" /> )} renderOption={(props, option, { inputValue }) => { const { key, ...optionProps } = props; const matches = match(option.title, inputValue, { insideWords: true }); const parts = parse(option.title, matches); return ( <li key={key} {...optionProps}> <div> {, index) => ( <span key={index} style={{ fontWeight: part.highlight ? 700 : 400, }} > {part.text} </span> ))} </div> </li> ); }} /> ); } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
Custom filter
The component exposes a factory to create a filter method that can be provided to the
prop. You can use it to change the default option filter behavior.import { createFilterOptions } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete';
createFilterOptions(config) => filterOptions
(object [optional]):
(bool [optional]): Defaults totrue
. Remove diacritics.config.ignoreCase
(bool [optional]): Defaults totrue
. Lowercase everything.config.limit
(number [optional]): Default to null. Limit the number of suggested options to be shown. For example, ifconfig.limit
, only the first100
matching options are shown. It can be useful if a lot of options match and virtualization wasn't set up.config.matchFrom
('any' | 'start' [optional]): Defaults to'any'
(func [optional]): Controls how an option is converted into a string so that it can be matched against the input text fragment.config.trim
(bool [optional]): Defaults tofalse
. Remove trailing spaces.
: the returned filter method can be provided directly to the filterOptions
prop of the Autocomplete
component, or the parameter of the same name for the hook.In the following demo, the options need to start with the query prefix:
const filterOptions = createFilterOptions({ matchFrom: 'start', stringify: (option) => option.title, }); <Autocomplete filterOptions={filterOptions} />;
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete, { createFilterOptions } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; const filterOptions = createFilterOptions({ matchFrom: 'start', stringify: (option: FilmOptionType) => option.title, }); export default function Filter() { return ( <Autocomplete options={top100Films} getOptionLabel={(option) => option.title} filterOptions={filterOptions} sx={{ width: 300 }} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Custom filter" />} /> ); } interface FilmOptionType { title: string; year: number; } // Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users. const top100Films = [ { title: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 }, { title: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 }, { title: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 }, { title: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 }, { title: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', year: 2003, }, { title: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 }, { title: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', year: 2001, }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back', year: 1980, }, { title: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Inception', year: 2010 }, { title: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', year: 2002, }, { title: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 }, { title: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 }, { title: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 }, { title: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope', year: 1977, }, { title: 'City of God', year: 2002 }, { title: 'Se7en', year: 1995 }, { title: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 }, { title: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 }, { title: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 }, { title: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 }, { title: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 }, { title: 'American History X', year: 1998 }, { title: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 }, { title: 'City Lights', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Psycho', year: 1960 }, { title: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 }, { title: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 }, { title: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 }, { title: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 }, { title: 'The Departed', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 }, { title: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 }, { title: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 }, { title: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Memento', year: 2000 }, { title: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 }, { title: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 }, { title: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Alien', year: 1979 }, { title: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 }, { title: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb', year: 1964, }, { title: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 }, { title: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 }, { title: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 }, { title: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 }, { title: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 }, { title: 'The Shining', year: 1980 }, { title: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 }, { title: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 }, { title: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 }, { title: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 }, { title: 'Aliens', year: 1986 }, { title: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 }, { title: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 }, { title: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 }, { title: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 }, { title: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 }, { title: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 }, { title: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 }, { title: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi', year: 1983, }, { title: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 }, { title: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 }, { title: 'M', year: 1931 }, { title: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 }, { title: 'Amélie', year: 2001 }, { title: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 }, { title: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 }, { title: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 }, { title: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 }, { title: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', year: 2004, }, { title: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 }, { title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 }, { title: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 }, { title: 'Logan', year: 2017 }, { title: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 }, { title: 'Dangal', year: 2016 }, { title: 'The Sting', year: 1973 }, { title: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 }, { title: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 }, { title: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 }, { title: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 }, { title: 'The Kid', year: 1921 }, { title: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Snatch', year: 2000 }, { title: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 }, { title: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 }, ];
For richer filtering mechanisms, like fuzzy matching, it's recommended to look at match-sorter. For instance:
import { matchSorter } from 'match-sorter'; const filterOptions = (options, { inputValue }) => matchSorter(options, inputValue); <Autocomplete filterOptions={filterOptions} />;
Search within 10,000 randomly generated options. The list is virtualized thanks to react-window.
import * as React from 'react'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Autocomplete, { autocompleteClasses } from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import useMediaQuery from '@mui/material/useMediaQuery'; import ListSubheader from '@mui/material/ListSubheader'; import Popper from '@mui/material/Popper'; import { useTheme, styled } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { VariableSizeList, ListChildComponentProps } from 'react-window'; import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'; const LISTBOX_PADDING = 8; // px function renderRow(props: ListChildComponentProps) { const { data, index, style } = props; const dataSet = data[index]; const inlineStyle = {, top: ( as number) + LISTBOX_PADDING, }; if (dataSet.hasOwnProperty('group')) { return ( <ListSubheader key={dataSet.key} component="div" style={inlineStyle}> {} </ListSubheader> ); } const { key, ...optionProps } = dataSet[0]; return ( <Typography key={key} component="li" {...optionProps} noWrap style={inlineStyle}> {`#${dataSet[2] + 1} - ${dataSet[1]}`} </Typography> ); } const OuterElementContext = React.createContext({}); const OuterElementType = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement>((props, ref) => { const outerProps = React.useContext(OuterElementContext); return <div ref={ref} {...props} {...outerProps} />; }); function useResetCache(data: any) { const ref = React.useRef<VariableSizeList>(null); React.useEffect(() => { if (ref.current != null) { ref.current.resetAfterIndex(0, true); } }, [data]); return ref; } // Adapter for react-window const ListboxComponent = React.forwardRef< HTMLDivElement, React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> >(function ListboxComponent(props, ref) { const { children, ...other } = props; const itemData: React.ReactElement<unknown>[] = []; (children as React.ReactElement<unknown>[]).forEach( ( item: React.ReactElement<unknown> & { children?: React.ReactElement<unknown>[]; }, ) => { itemData.push(item); itemData.push(...(item.children || [])); }, ); const theme = useTheme(); const smUp = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), { noSsr: true, }); const itemCount = itemData.length; const itemSize = smUp ? 36 : 48; const getChildSize = (child: React.ReactElement<unknown>) => { if (child.hasOwnProperty('group')) { return 48; } return itemSize; }; const getHeight = () => { if (itemCount > 8) { return 8 * itemSize; } return, b) => a + b, 0); }; const gridRef = useResetCache(itemCount); return ( <div ref={ref}> <OuterElementContext.Provider value={other}> <VariableSizeList itemData={itemData} height={getHeight() + 2 * LISTBOX_PADDING} width="100%" ref={gridRef} outerElementType={OuterElementType} innerElementType="ul" itemSize={(index) => getChildSize(itemData[index])} overscanCount={5} itemCount={itemCount} > {renderRow} </VariableSizeList> </OuterElementContext.Provider> </div> ); }); function random(length: number) { const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length)); } return result; } const StyledPopper = styled(Popper)({ [`& .${autocompleteClasses.listbox}`]: { boxSizing: 'border-box', '& ul': { padding: 0, margin: 0, }, }, }); const OPTIONS = Array.from(new Array(10000)) .map(() => random(10 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 20))) .sort((a: string, b: string) => a.toUpperCase().localeCompare(b.toUpperCase())); export default function Virtualize() { return ( <Autocomplete sx={{ width: 300 }} disableListWrap options={OPTIONS} groupBy={(option) => option[0].toUpperCase()} renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="10,000 options" />} renderOption={(props, option, state) => [props, option, state.index] as React.ReactNode } renderGroup={(params) => params as any} slots={{ popper: StyledPopper, }} slotProps={{ listbox: { component: ListboxComponent, }, }} /> ); }
If you would like to prevent the default key handler behavior, you can set the event's
property to true
:<Autocomplete onKeyDown={(event) => { if (event.key === 'Enter') { // Prevent's default 'Enter' behavior. event.defaultMuiPrevented = true; // your handler code } />
Browsers have heuristics to help the user fill in form inputs. However, this can harm the UX of the component.
By default, the component disables the input autocomplete feature (remembering what the user has typed for a given field in a previous session) with the
attribute. Google Chrome does not currently support this attribute setting (Issue 41239842). A possible workaround is to remove the id
to have the component generate a random one.In addition to remembering past entered values, the browser might also propose autofill suggestions (saved login, address, or payment details). In the event you want the avoid autofill, you can try the following:
- Name the input without leaking any information the browser can use. For example
instead ofid="country"
. If you leave the id empty, the component uses a random id. - Set
(some browsers will suggest a strong password for inputs with this attribute setting):<TextField {...params} inputProps={{ ...params.inputProps, autoComplete: 'new-password', />
Read the guide on MDN for more details.
iOS VoiceOver
VoiceOver on iOS Safari doesn't support the
attribute very well. You can work around the issue with the disablePortal
If you provide a custom
prop, you need to make sure that the intended scroll container has the role
attribute set to listbox
. This ensures the correct behavior of the scroll, for example when using the keyboard to navigate.Accessibility
We encourage the usage of a label for the textbox. The component implements the WAI-ARIA authoring practices.