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As per the official page of Tailwind CSS, it is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override.

To simply put, Tailwind provides helper classes for almost every CSS rule available. Fuse includes and uses Tailwind by default and it can be used in any part of the theme.

Styling in Material-UI

Fuse React developed based on Material-UI as ui library.Material-UI's styling solutionuses emotion at its core. Therefore the Fuse React supportsEmotion (Emotion is a library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript)

Helper Classes with TailwindCSS

We are accepting JSS advantages but we can't leave helper classes for fast development, ease of use, globally access etc. So we have used both in components.

We are usingTailwindCSSas an engine for generating helper classes. It's not an UI kit and it's customizable. You can find the config file of Tailwind with named "tailwind.js" under the root of Fuse React.

Official docs

Official Tailwind CSS documentation:https://tailwindcss.com/