React Hook Form
ReferencePerformant, flexible and extensible forms with easy to use validation.
Example usage with Material-UI elements and form validation
Is Valid: false
Form data
{ "Native": "", "TextField": "", "Select": "", "Autocomplete": [], "Checkbox": false, "Switch": false, "RadioGroup": "", "DateTimePicker": "" }
Touched fields
Render Count: 1
import { Controller, useForm } from 'react-hook-form'; import Button from '@mui/material/Button'; import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField'; import Checkbox from '@mui/material/Checkbox'; import Select from '@mui/material/Select'; import MenuItem from '@mui/material/MenuItem'; import Switch from '@mui/material/Switch'; import RadioGroup from '@mui/material/RadioGroup'; import FormControlLabel from '@mui/material/FormControlLabel'; import Radio from '@mui/material/Radio'; import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'; import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete'; import _ from 'lodash'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import FormControl from '@mui/material/FormControl'; import FormLabel from '@mui/material/FormLabel'; import FormHelperText from '@mui/material/FormHelperText'; import { DateTimePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers'; import FuseSvgIcon from '@fuse/core/FuseSvgIcon'; import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { DevTool } from '@hookform/devtools'; let renderCount = 0; const options = [ { value: 'chocolate', label: 'Chocolate' }, { value: 'strawberry', label: 'Strawberry' }, { value: 'vanilla', label: 'Vanilla' } ]; const defaultValues = { Native: '', TextField: '', Select: '', Autocomplete: [], Checkbox: false, Switch: false, RadioGroup: '', DateTimePicker: '' }; /** * Form Validation Schema */ const schema = z.object({ TextField: z.string().nonempty('You must enter a value'), Native: z.string().nonempty('You must enter a value'), Select: z .string() .nonempty('You must select a value') .refine((val) => ['20', '30'].includes(val), 'Select 20 or 30.'), Checkbox: z.boolean().refine((val) => val === true, 'You must check.'), Switch: z.boolean().refine((val) => val === true, 'You must turn it on.'), RadioGroup: z.string().refine((val) => val === 'female', 'You must select female.'), Autocomplete: z.array(z.string()).min(2, 'Select at least two.'), DateTimePicker: z.string().refine((val) => val === null || val.trim().length > 0, 'You must select a date') }); /** * Simple Form Example */ function SimpleFormExample() { const { handleSubmit, register, reset, control, watch, formState } = useForm({ defaultValues, mode: 'all', resolver: zodResolver(schema) }); const { isValid, dirtyFields, errors, touchedFields } = formState; renderCount += 1; const data = watch(); return ( <div className="flex w-full max-w-screen-md justify-start items-start"> <form className="w-1/2" // eslint-disable-next-line no-console onSubmit={handleSubmit((_data) =>} > <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Typography className="mb-6 font-medium text-base">Native Input:</Typography> <input className={clsx('border-1 outline-hidden rounded-lg p-2', !!errors.Native && 'border-red')} {...register('Native')} required /> {!!errors.Native && ( <Typography className="px-1 py-2 font-medium text-base" color="error" > {errors?.Native?.message} </Typography> )} </div> <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Controller name="Checkbox" control={control} render={({ field: { onChange, value, onBlur, ref } }) => ( <FormControl error={!!errors.Checkbox} required > <FormLabel className="font-medium text-base" component="legend" > MUI Checkbox </FormLabel> <FormControlLabel label="I agree" control={ <Checkbox checked={value} onBlur={onBlur} onChange={(ev) => onChange(} inputRef={ref} required /> } /> <FormHelperText>{errors?.Checkbox?.message}</FormHelperText> </FormControl> )} /> </div> <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Controller render={({ field }) => ( <FormControl error={!!errors.RadioGroup} required > <FormLabel className="font-medium text-base" component="legend" > Radio Group </FormLabel> <RadioGroup {...field} aria-label="gender" name="gender1" > <FormControlLabel value="female" control={<Radio />} label="Female" /> <FormControlLabel value="male" control={<Radio />} label="Male" /> </RadioGroup> <FormHelperText>{errors?.RadioGroup?.message}</FormHelperText> </FormControl> )} name="RadioGroup" control={control} /> </div> <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Controller render={({ field }) => ( <TextField {...field} label="MUI TextField" variant="outlined" error={!!errors.TextField} helperText={errors?.TextField?.message} required fullWidth /> )} name="TextField" control={control} /> </div> <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Controller render={({ field }) => ( <FormControl error={!!errors.Select} required fullWidth > <FormLabel className="font-medium text-base" component="legend" > MUI Select </FormLabel> <Select {...field} variant="outlined" fullWidth > <MenuItem value="10">Ten (10)</MenuItem> <MenuItem value="20">Twenty (20)</MenuItem> <MenuItem value="30">Thirty (30)</MenuItem> </Select> <FormHelperText>{errors?.Select?.message}</FormHelperText> </FormControl> )} name="Select" control={control} /> </div> <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Controller name="Switch" control={control} render={({ field: { onChange, value, ref, onBlur } }) => ( <FormControl required error={!!errors.Switch} > <FormLabel className="font-medium text-base" component="legend" > MUI Switch </FormLabel> <Switch checked={value} onBlur={onBlur} onChange={(ev) => onChange(} inputRef={ref} required /> <FormHelperText>{errors?.Switch?.message}</FormHelperText> </FormControl> )} /> </div> <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Typography className="mb-6 font-medium text-base">Autocomplete</Typography> <Controller name="Autocomplete" control={control} defaultValue={[]} render={({ field: { onChange, value, onBlur, ref } }) => ( <Autocomplete className="mt-2 mb-4" multiple freeSolo options={options} value={value} onChange={(_event, newValue) => { onChange(newValue); }} renderInput={(params) => ( <TextField {...params} placeholder="Select multiple tags" label="Tags" variant="outlined" InputLabelProps={{ shrink: true }} error={!!errors.Autocomplete} helperText={errors?.Autocomplete?.message} onBlur={onBlur} inputRef={ref} /> )} /> )} /> </div> <div className="mt-12 mb-4"> <Typography className="mb-6 font-medium text-base">DateTimePicker</Typography> <Controller name="DateTimePicker" control={control} render={({ field: { onChange, value } }) => ( <DateTimePicker value={new Date(value)} onChange={(val) => { onChange(val.toISOString()); }} slotProps={{ textField: { id: 'birthday', label: 'Birthday', InputLabelProps: { shrink: true }, fullWidth: true, variant: 'outlined', error: !!errors.DateTimePicker, helperText: errors?.DateTimePicker?.message }, inputAdornment: { position: 'start', children: <FuseSvgIcon size={20}>heroicons-solid:cake</FuseSvgIcon> } }} /> )} /> </div> <div className="flex my-12 items-center"> <Button className="mx-2" variant="contained" color="secondary" type="submit" disabled={_.isEmpty(dirtyFields) || !isValid} > Submit </Button> <Button className="mx-2" type="button" onClick={() => { reset(defaultValues); }} > Reset Form </Button> </div> </form> <div className="w-1/2 my-12 p-6"> <div className="mb-3"> <Typography>Is Valid: {isValid ? 'true' : 'false'}</Typography> </div> <div className="mb-3"> <Typography>Form data</Typography> </div> <div className="mb-3"> <pre className="language-js p-6 w-100">{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre> </div> <div className="mb-3"> <Typography>Touched fields</Typography> <pre className="language-js p-6 w-100">{JSON.stringify(touchedFields, null, 2)}</pre> </div> <div className="mb-3"> <Typography className="mt-4 font-medium text-md italic" color="text.secondary" > Render Count: {renderCount} </Typography> </div> </div> <DevTool control={control} styles={{ button: { position: 'relative' } }} /> </div> ); } export default SimpleFormExample;
- @/app/(control-panel)/sign-in/SignInPage.tsx
- @/app/(control-panel)/sign-up/SignUpPage.tsx
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