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This section will give you some information about what tools you will need.


To install and use Fuse React, you will need Node.js installed on your computer. We won't get into too much detail about Node.js as it's out of the scope of this documentation. Also, you won't need to use Node.js, it's only required for the development process.

A. Installing Prerequisites
Download and install at least LTS or the latest version of Node.js from its web site.
B. Installing Fuse React
Before you begin installing Fuse, prepare a folder where you can unzip the downloaded .zip file.
B.1. Choose which version you want to install
When you unzip the .zip file you have downloaded from Themeforest, you will find 6 additional .zip files along with other files. You can choose TS (Vite), JS or Next.js versions and both versions has demo and skeleton options.
  • Demo TS (Vite) Fuse-react-x.x.x-ts-demo.zip
  • Demo JS (Vite) Fuse-react-x.x.x-js-demo.zip
  • Next.js Demo Fuse-nextjs-x.x.x-demo.zip
This .zip file includes the Demo version which includes all the applications, pages and UI sections from the Demo application. This version is for referencing purposes only and it should be only used for copying code/modules from it.
DO NOT use the Demo version to build your app, otherwise you will have a lot of unnecessary weight to your app right from the start and it will provide a poor development experience.
  • Skeleton TS Fuse-react-x.x.x-ts-skeleton.zip
  • Skeleton JS Fuse-react-x.x.x-js-skeleton.zip
  • Next.js Skeleton Fuse-nextjs-x.x.x-skeleton.zip
  • This .zip file includes the Skeleton version which includes all the core components and functionality of Fuse without the Demo applications, pages and UI sections. DO use the Skeleton version to build your app on top.
    B.2. Unzip
    After choosing the version you want to install, unzip the .zip file of that version into your workspace directory.
    C. Run the installation command
    Open a console/terminal window and navigate into your workspace directory. You must be at the same folder with the package.json file in order to run the commands.
    To complete the installation, enter the following command:
    npm install 
    This command will take some time and install all the required libraries into the node_modules directory in order for you to start developing.